At Little, we are committed to a regenerative future and driven to evolve from awareness to action. Our Regen CoLab is a talented team of collaborators who focus on building a culture of regenerative practice within Little. We are excited to spotlight these individuals and share how our focus areas of measurement in Health, Energy, Water, and Social Equity (HEWS) set a path toward a regenerative future. Today we are introducing Regen CoLab director Vickie Breemes.
Coming from a multigenerational family of farmers, Vickie Breemes developed a respect for nature at an early age. She watched her grandfather and father plant crops, recycle, reuse, and creatively repurpose items from around the farm. As a result, she cultivated a passion for sustainability long before it became mainstream.
This driving passion has given her career meaning. She began her career as a specifier. Now a Director of our Advanced Building Technologies and Regen CoLab, Vickie dives into how products and materials are sourced, what they are made of, and the entire manufacturing process. With sustainability expanding from being solely building-focused to now recognizing the importance of human wellness, carbon neutrality, and ultimately a regenerative future, she is constantly looking 5-10 years ahead to see what’s on the horizon, while advocating for performance measurements and material transparency now.
Vickie firmly believes that every action has long-lasting impacts. She encourages designers to be curious, to think beyond the immediate to the future state. By utilizing Little’s focus areas of measurements known as the HEWS (Health, Energy, Water, and Social Equity), project teams have a starting point for discovering actionable—and often unexpected—opportunities through collaboration and an integrative process. Vickie’s easy-going, yet thoughtful approach has made her a standout in the field.
“Vickie Breemes is not only one of the most well-respected sustainability professionals in our industry, but she has also helped define the critical role of our work in reducing a building’s carbon footprint through its materiality and operations. Additionally, she has helped pioneer a focus on, and accountability for, health and wellness in the built environment. Above all, she is a passionate advocate for people and the causes that help elevate and advance social equity in the work we do,” shares Regen CoLab Director Philip Donovan.
For Vickie, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to regenerative design. She advocates that designers seek to understand where their clients are now while keeping their future goals in focus. This allows for thoughtful, long-term solutions to be developed together.
“Every step taken forward is a positive one. Meeting clients where they are and discovering opportunities together is education at its best,” encourages Vickie.
Vickie Breemes is a believer in going beyond sustainability. With over 26 years of experience, she is a passionate advocate for “doing the right thing” to preserve our planet. She filters her daily responsibilities through that lens to ensure each decision she makes—and every action her team takes—supports this goal. Vickie is one of four Directors of Little’s Regen CoLab in addition to leading our Advanced Building Technologies team. She helps build a culture of regenerative practice within Little through established processes, research, and education. Stay tuned for future employee spotlights featuring Little’s Regen CoLab.