If Buildings Could Talk is a podcast that explores the untold stories behind buildings in Charlotte and how the design of these spaces impacts the lives of individuals and the success of our city. The podcast is part of the Queen City Podcast Network. Subscribe now and listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. We’re excited to have you join us!
Equitable access to the highest quality healthcare is at the center of any successful community. This episode of If Buildings Could Talk takes us inside Atrium Health’s Levine Cancer Institute (LCI). Known as one of the largest cancer programs in the nation, the design of this facility takes into consideration the holistic patient and caregiver experience every step of the way. We’ll hear from Dr. Derek Raghavan, an internationally renowned cancer researcher and medical oncologist and president of Levine Cancer Institute, as well as LCI representatives Mellisa Wheeler and Candice Roth who worked with Little’s design team to bring this project to life. Sandra Goldman, a four-time cancer conqueror and current patient at LCI, is also a guest, speaking about her experience and how this building is helping to shape her positive outlook.