
Nov 1, 2018


by Tomas Eliaeson

Beyond Boundaries

Interdisciplinary Learning is the next frontier of education.  Little has spent the past few years researching “The Immersive Learningscape” and how this model impacts K-12 education. However, the continuation of this learning environment is equally important for higher education as it facilitates the crosspollination of ideas and encourages collaboration, idea sharing, deep Inquiry, imagination and innovation.

Innovation and imagination require ideas that push the envelope. Our college learning experiences and environments are not adequately preparing students for a world that is requiring them to think creatively, to inquire, to collaborate, to communicate, to imagine and to innovate. These new behaviors we are asking of our students require rethinking how and where learning happens. The Immersive Learningscape supports those behaviors. It is a concept that carefully combines design, technology, furniture and learning into one solution.  It creates a landscape for various ways of scholarship and multiple opportunities for size-specific learning. These spaces allow for technology-focused, project-based and interdisciplinary learning; for flexibility of purposeful education, unexpectedness in thought provoking and collaborative environments, and brainstorming space for learning problem-solving, innovation and creativity.

Reference Documents


Tomas Eliaeson

Tomas, a Design Principal at Little, has been a hybrid before hybrid was cool. Born and raised in Spain, with a Scandinavian design-sense through his mother, educated in larger than life Texas and adopted by North Carolina, Tomas utilizes the mix of cultures in the design of community environments, from education to civic. He is highly passionate about the intermingling of design, technology and typology in rethinking environments for the 21st century.

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