As we proceed into the Learning Revolution Age, how are we to provide environments that address the evolving methods by which students acquire knowledge? And how are we to design those spaces to effectively support a changing paradigm? In today’s hyper-connected, high-speed, customizable, and knowledge-driven society, what are the roles of education and education spaces? Preparing students for the complex future world which we are yet to comprehend requires transcendental solutions that intertwine a 21st century curriculum, state of the art technologies, and immersive learning spaces.
We are increasingly learning about how the brain receives and retains information, how different individuals learn best, how changing technologies are facilitating new approaches for teaching and learning, and how our increasingly complex global challenges will require equally complex solutions. Given this new knowledge, our research focuses on a pattern language for designing immersive learning environments that address a new paradigm of learning, teaching, and working. We will share strategies by which these immersive environments support technology-infused, active, and collaborative learning, facilitate inter-disciplinary learning, address multiple typologies of learning, and work in conjunction with student management tools that enable changing developments in academic, scheduling, testing, and assessment initiatives.
We are exploring today’s challenges and opportunities to education in tomorrow’s educational environments. We’ve discovered new technologies and methodologies for learning that are being used throughout the world, and the impact of those changes to the design of future learning environments.